Board Login
Upper Bay Counseling & Support Services provides a broad and expanding range of high quality behavioral health and community services. We promote wellness and uphold the dignity of our consumers. We are dedicated to excellence, through creativity, flexibility, and teamwork. We serve and advocate for individuals, families, and communities.
UBCSS will improve the quality of life of everyone we serve.
The values of UBCSS guide and shape the actions of staff and consumers. The primary values are Respect and Integrity.
Respect is demonstrated by professional interactions that display dignity, compassion, and sensitivity. Services are consumer-centered, strength-based, and grounded in personal choice.
Integrity is demonstrated by unity of purpose and method throughout the system of care. It is accomplished through coordination of effort, flexibility in responsiveness, and accountability at every level of the organization.
Board Information
- Confidentiality Statement
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Mailing List Policy
- Gift Acceptance
- Investment
- Mission Integrity
- Financial Commitments
- Board Member Leave of Absence
- Event Hosting
- CEO Succession Policy
- Policy Management
- CEO Evaluation Policy